Home > The hits keep coming

The hits keep coming

December 16th, 2024 at 05:44 pm

So yesterday another of my very dear friend passed.  A week ago I found out my boss.  And yesterday I found out the lady who manned the front desk of my office passed.  She was old and in poor health but still it greatly saddens me.  She was 87 years old. 

She fell in March and went into a rehab facility.  She was also so kind to me and my girls.   In fact in May during of our lunches I was telling her about our car being "totalled" and she offered to sell me her car.  She sold it to me for $1000. In fact i mentioned it on the blog about the car.  It was a 2011 red Subaru Impreza with 31k miles.  It was in terrible body shape but excellent condition.  She said she was so happy it was going to keep my DK1 safe.  It was the perfect first car with excellent safety features, top of the category of compact cars.   So we made a deal and she was thrilled it wasn't going to the junkyard and instead driven by a family who would love it.  She had such a kick when I would pick her up for lunch in it and visited her in it all fixed up.

In July she had a stroke and that really was the beginning of the end.  She did manage to go home but with a feeding tube.  And I did manage to visit her in October and she was still cognizant if bedridden.  She told me she was looking forward to her two boxes of thin mints and couldn't wait to see my holiday card.  And then when i've tried to visit the person in charge said she was too busy or too tired. 

I had hoped to stop by and drop her holiday card as I always did before the break and drop off a box of chocolates.  But instead I got an email she had passed early yesterday.

All I can say is I really need 2024 to end.

9 Responses to “The hits keep coming”

  1. LifeBalance Says:

    I'm so sorry that you're going through it. Sometimes when it rains, it pours. We also have had several acquaintances that have heart attacks and strokes this year, but only one of them died. He was only 49 and appeared healthy. So sad.

  2. mumof2 Says:

    Sorry for your loss..

  3. Carol B. Says:

    I am sorry you are having so much sorrow this year. It is strange but some years are like that. Hope this passes soon.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    My heart goes out to you. Hopefully things start to look more positive for you.

  5. Tabs Says:

    My condolences as well.

    While life has to go on, losing people we care about doesn't make it any easier, and it's such an incredibly sad and lonely feeling.

  6. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    i feel like I turn around and someone else is sick or gone.

  7. patientsaver Says:

    Oh, so sorry. That woman sounds so nice, and really helped you out, too. I found out recently that another ex-boyfriend died back in May. It was while we were dating that he received his diagnosis of esophageal cancer. He broke things off, telling me it was best if I distanced myself from him. He was a good guy...retired pharmacist. Sometimes it seems I know as many people who have died as I do the living. Now I have learned that a family member has stage 4 colon cancer. He is only 54.

  8. Dido Says:

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you got to see her in October at least.

    This aging thing is hard, especially seeing people we knew as vital and active participants in their communities become weak, frail, and eventually pass. I see it around me too much too. One of the curses of being over 60.

  9. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    exactly. the year is ended and now it's 2025.

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