Home > Rough year continuing

Rough year continuing

August 26th, 2024 at 03:50 am

I had a great family trip this summer and will post photos later.  But I just wanted to say that it's still a really rough year for my family.  I'm back in Hawaii and I'm certain my grandma is about to pass.  I'm glad we literally caught her on one of the few moments she's alive and awake and aware.  In one year 8/26/23-8/25/24 my mom will have lost her husband and brother, and soon her mom.  

I bought a last minute ticket and I did spend more than I intended because i had cheap $180 tickets and i ended up paying about $300 instead.  But when asked will i be back?  One more time for her memorial and then I have no plans if we will be coming back to hawaii again for a LONG time.  In one year I think i've gone back and forth 7 times.  But this year of spending will come to an end soon.  

And more sadly I will have less reasons to ever return to hawaii.  Instead my mom can come see us and travel with us and maybe get away.  People think they have all the time, they don't.  They believe that they need to save for "the future." 

But don't forget about the present and the now at the expense of the future.  I used to save more, but now I save "enough" and look at instead what can I spend our money on wisely to bring the most joy and happiness to us.  And this was one of those moments when I am very blessed to have gained great joy and comfort.  And I stopped worrying about the future and think I need to worry about my time now with those I care about.

5 Responses to “Rough year continuing”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    I'm sorry about your grandma, but glad you could see her when she was having a good day. It has been a rough time for your family.

    Although it is important to save money and plan for the future, it is also important to embrace the present and make the best of it.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    It has been a rough year, and especially for your mother. I hope your grandma passes peacefully and that your family begins to heal. I'm glad you got to spend some time with her.

  3. latestart Says:

    I am sorry about your grandmother.

  4. Dido Says:

    I'm so sorry about your losses, and I'm glad you got to see your grandmother on a relatively good day. Prayers for a peaceful transition and for your whole family's healing.

  5. Tabs Says:

    I am sorry to hear about your grandma.

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