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what are you waiting for?

August 1st, 2024 at 01:12 am

What are you waiting for?  Life waits for no one.  It's been a fast year.  I can't believe it's already August and so much has happened.

My old coworker who sold me the subaru impreza?  She had a stroke two friday's ago paralyzing the left side of her body. She's been in the hospital and I went to see her for five minutes.  She's unable to walk and talk at this time.  She's 88 years old.  I had chatted with her earlier in the week about getting her tax documents together to finish her 2023 tax return.

She cried and said she just wanted to go home.  She hated her assisted living facility, which was a nice place.  Anyway her house was a hoarder house so it was reported to the city and had to be cleaned before she could move back in.  It also honestly wasn't for an elderly person and with all those stairs I wasn't sure then how'd she manage.  But now no way.

I hate the fact I've been telling her for the past 7 years to either sell or reverse mortgage the house to get it handicap accessible so she could stay in it.  But she just said in the future.  She never bothered.  So now in a frenzy the family and POA are trying to get a reverse mortgage since she's refusing to sell.  But the truth is I can't ever see her going back.  They might as well sell it.

The same thing has happened with my in laws.  My MIL is upsest over selling their house but truthfully they weren't maintaining it.

I asked my MIL that questiong the other weekend when we saw them. What is she waiting for?  Why isn't she using the money from selling the house to buy new furniture that fits in her new condo?  Why isn't she making her life more comfortable and using the money to turn on the AC?  Why aren't they using the improve the house in little ways to make it accessible?

The answer?  They don't think they are "old" or will need it at 73 and 74.  I have noticed a trend, and it applies I think to most elderly, what are they waiting for?  I say that with the utmost respect, but what was joe biden waiting to step away?  I mean a year ago he knew he wasn't up for the job (same with donald trump).  They are 80 years old.  When is it time to start "retirement" and spending the money you've worked hard to earn?

It feels like now people think that 70 is the new 50 and they have all the time in the world. But 70 is still 70 and it's not young and it's not new.

It's flipping the switch on saving and waiting your whole life to "retire" but then when it's time you don't actually do it.  You hesitate.  You drag your feet.  What are you really waiting for?


2 Responses to “what are you waiting for?”

  1. Wink Says:

    So true! I'm 63, and when I bought this condo 7 years ago it was with an eye toward future me. I intend to grow old here, so I made sure I was in a building with an elevator, everything was on one floor (no steps to navigate). I upgraded the master bath, took out the tub and put in a walk-in shower with all the necessary grab bars etc. I have zero debt. I live on a tight budget but I'm happy and comfortable and have everything I need. I see people with a LOT more money than me who just seem terrified to retire. I don't get it.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    I agree...we do not know what will happen. I'm 63. I retired at 55 because the stress was getting too much. My dad had a series of strokes and the end of his life wasn't pleasant and I don't want to have the same fate. I'm trying to make different life style choices to hopefully not repeat his mistakes. But you are right, so many think they have plenty of time and they'll do it in the future. Well written post!

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