Home > $1000 saved

$1000 saved

September 17th, 2022 at 09:25 pm

I just bought my DK1 a Yamaha 362H flute.  It was about $1700 on Amazon but I decided to check facebook marketplace before buying it.  There were two options.  One was unused for $1300 with receipt.  They had bought it and then covid hit and their child had never used it.

The other was $750 but just been cleaned by the shop and looked nice in the photos. I decided if I'm going used I'm going all the way so I bought the $750.  I have an appointment on Friday with a repair store to do another full tune up for $90.  If it needs a total overhaul it will be $200, but that still is a good deal I think.  I'm pretty happy for 5 minutes of work online and 30 minutes to drive and meet and pay the guy I saved $1000.

I usually buy stuff new/sale/used depending on how hard it is to find.  But the most luck for me is usually facebook marketplace.  Where do you look mostly?

4 Responses to “$1000 saved”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    I think you scored! Good job!

    We do a lot of thrift store shopping. We have quite a few of them around us and often find great deals.

  2. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    That's amazing

  3. CB in the City Says:

    I haven't explored Facebook Marketplace. I have an aversion to social media, so it's hard to even dip into it. I do subscribe to Freecycle but have only used it rarely.

  4. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    FB buy nothing groups are good place to thrift as well. Sometimes I've picked up a few things. I'm not a huge thrifter but I tend to just hop on when I am looking for something

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