The market has rebounded nicely in these past few weeks We are down 10% in retirement and 20% in our taxable. But then again we also got our unexpected stock sale so we made some money. Here is what we did with it.
35.74% to 529
5.71% to spending
9.52% to I bonds
48.05% to taxable savings
the 5.71% spending I just threw into our emergency fund. I am going to use to it spend a little extra. I also will probably cut back on savings for the year since we basically saved 95% of our windfall and 66% of income for the year. I'm thinking I do want to spend the 5% i earmarked and not just save it.
Things I bought already tickets to hamilton, Jack white, red hot chili pepper concerts this summer/fall. Tickets to Las Vegas for a weekend trip. Tickets to Hawaii for summer. I also would like to do a few more weekend trips probably SF and maybe an october trip to Disneyland. Some of this we would have paid for and the rest will be covered by this spending. That plus not saving more than $16k more this year for Roth IRA and ESA contributions.
I'll still be doing $2k/year to each kid for college until age 18 just because but I don't think I need to be doing more than that anymore. Our kids will have college 100% paid for now and extra for a house downpayment, wedding, or car. The taxable accounts I started will be for something else. We have 6 figures in each 529+ESA and they are 12 and 9 plus another $50k in taxables for them. But I will no longer stress out about affording the future.
Everything else is for us. I know we aren't obligated to help our kids with college. I know that we are not obligated to gift them with a hand out after college. But I've always aspired to be able to pay 100% for college and be able to provide a house downpayment, car, and maybe even wedding. I always wished to have been so fortunate and a little envious of people whose parents were able to help them. I understand DH and I families were not in the situation to help us and now if anything we are about to start paying for my grandmother financially. But since we are in such a fortunate position I am thankful for everything and going to take advantage of it.
April 6th, 2022 at 12:25 am 1649201116
April 14th, 2022 at 04:34 pm 1649950467