So I was in terrible pain this week from Sunday. I thought it was TMJ. I thought my jaw was aching or teething from grinding. I thought my nightguard wasn't helping. But I also thought well I have my semi-annual cleaning on Wednesday so there wasn't a point in going in early.
Wrong. Omg i was taking meds like crazy it was so painful. Yes I had called the dental office and because of what I told them and what I thought, they said okay come in wednesday morning for your appointment. KWIM?
Well I was dying. I couldn't open my mouth. I called actually thursday afternoon and was like cleaning was not happening but I needed to see the dentist. I couldn't open my mouth for a cleaning and I was worried the TMJ was really bad. They said come in and let's see what we could do. I was planning on getting botox for my jaw. This is a real thing. You get botox every so often and it kills your jaw so if you grind it's not so painful. I am still planning on getting it but apparently it wasn't the problem.
Nope I had a really bad tooth infection and I needed a root canal stat. So stat that the dentist numbed me up and sent me on my way to the endodontist. Of course this is me "is the endodontist in network?" Dentist " I don't know and could ask but do you really care?" LAL "uh your right." I had popped a codeine and darvocet the night before and was high as a kite and needing such strong pain meds and coudn't open my mouth who was I to really argue when I managed to get an appointment in a couple hours to help relieve the pain?
So off I went and never thought I'd write how wonderful a root canal felt. But it seriously felt amazing. It was a raging infection. So bad they couldn't close it ip. I am on antibiotics and letting it drain and heal till Monday since it was so sensitive that when the endodontist tried to close it was screaming. I was also in so much pain from the infection it was really hard to numb me up. He just couldn't do it without knocking me out basically. So there was some downside.
Besides the fact I found out it was $2100 for my root canal. Ask me what I'm going to pay? I don't know but right now I have a hard time caring now that I'm feeling so much better. I probably will regret it later but for now I'm sitting happily in one piece able to eat something. I will say this is something that is so annoying with the american medical and dental system. You never know what you are going to pay. Nothing is clear cut or makes sense!
February 13th, 2022 at 01:22 am 1644715335
February 13th, 2022 at 10:04 pm 1644789876