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Savings and end of month Spending

April 29th, 2021 at 03:55 am

We spent a lot this month so far on everything.  I also did a rough breakdown of our 2021 taxes and we appear to be getting a too large refund of $10,158.  This is because DH is paying double SS and it will come back to us when we file.  I guess that takes care of me saving for Roth IRA next year. I don't know whether to count it as this year or next year savings.  Suggestions?

Groceries $533.20
Eating out $206.34
Alcohol $103.09
Dog $137.70 (will pay $250 at vet tomorrow)
Travel $759.03 weekend trip expenses of eating out and stuff
Fuel $144.81
Utilites $697.88 (water bill bimonthly and late)
Home Maintenance $1400.06 (yard, fence, Gutters)
Home Good $205.27
Gifts $121.89
Refinance $500
Services (cleaner/yard) $390
Amazon $105
Kids $898 (camp and extracurricular)
Entertainments $93 (bought a couple of living social paddleboard rentals)
=$6702 month.

What a very expensive month.  So I'm trying to run lean. But on the plus side our savings.

Moved $10k to Brokerage account this month and paid $5353 for our property taxes.

Roth IRA  $10,600 - moved $10k so $600 left in account.
Sink Funds $4450
Property Taxes $3100

With the refinance we are moving our payments down $700.  I am going to try and save it.  It will certainly be enough to cover our sink funds.  I'm not even sure I am saving the right amount for sink funds.  I guess at the end of the year I'll figure it out and move what excess we have.  My goal for the year was 20% savings with 15% to retirement and 5% savings.  That is $49,061 = 20%.  I currently have saved $53,633 so we have exceed that goal.  The 5% stretch is $61327.21 while the 10% stretch or 30% of our gross salary is $73592.65.  I wonder if we'll hit it?  $19959 is need to hit 30% saved.  If we count the tax refund of $10,158 I bet we would hit it. I have 7 months to save $20k.  

Either way I think we'll be successful.  We are getting on a budget and working it. 

1 Responses to “Savings and end of month Spending”

  1. Simran Saroha Says:

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