Home > Grocery update

Grocery update

March 15th, 2021 at 07:49 pm

Stopped at Asian market for sahimi for dinner Saturday. Spent $40.64.  

Black Cod $9.77b (16.99/lb) - miso butterfish i'm making

Hamachi $6.93 (29.99/lb)

King Salmon 6.61 ($30.99/lb)

Tuna $9.04 (26.99/lb)

Curry paste $4.99 and $3.29 = $40.63, running total $450.40 for the month

Well that explains how my grocery bills have been outrageous.  I'd say at least once a month we bought sashimi and prepped it at home if not every three weeks and usually I don't show such restraint. I usually buy way more and better quality. I picked the cheaper stuff.  I usually figure it's way less than what I spend on sushi even takeout.  Takeout sushi for us runs closer to $100 out.  More when we go out.  And I usually throw in a can of Asahi or two at the store.  

I need to go to Costco and get milk and bacon (plan on buying at least 3 packages and 2 packages of milk).  I'm also thinking of buying non-persishables but I have $375 executive check and my rebate check of $300+ to spend at costco.  So maybe I'll save it.

Question - do I consider it grocery budget if I buy it using my rebate check? Or is it free because I didn't pay for it? 

3 Responses to “Grocery update ”

  1. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    I think I need to count it but not against the budget if that makes sense. I think I'm really on the fence for cutting out budget but I need to go to costco for milk and bacon. I think that $675 for a family of 4 is really tight and I'm not sure I can make it. I am also delaying buying stuff like toilet paper and paper towels but maybe I should wait and see how long it lasts when I buy it from costco. I think 2 months but I could be wrong.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    I'm on the fence as far as the rebate. Since you are tracking your grocery spending, I would say count it. Otherwise, I'd say you got stuff free by using it.

  3. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Costco Rebate from grocery spending and gas. Everything else goes on chase sapphire preferred or before reserve credit card. But we are spending a lot less now.

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