A lot of people on SA want to work to keep busy. They are fiscally responsible and enjoy it. But I'm the one planning on retiring early and want to be done. My DH I can tell will not want to quit. But here is my perspective and take.
I don't know what the future holds and I believe the One More Year (OMY) syndrome could easily happen to myself and DH. We could be easily able to retire in 10 years or less. But will we? I don't know. I mean postulating, running the excel spreadsheets, using firecalc it's all awesome and nerdy and fun to do. It's super fun to imagine not having to work. It's super fun to imagine being answerable to no one. Having no debt. Just able to live.
But when the reality hits will we pull the trigger? Would we says "sure let's walk away from DH's cushy job earning $XXX" and we're cruising along? Will we be just risk averse because our kids are in college? I don't know how we will feel at that time. I think you have to be standing at the precipice of retirement to make that call. All the planning is great but if you aren't ready it's not going to happen.
Or what if you we are forced into early retirement because of your health? Or if you just can't mentally take it anymore? Or you are 50 and downsized and can't get another job? Do you get something paying less you like less? Get retrained? Or do you call it a day?
I think that you should make a plan but like all plans be willing to adapt it based on new information that arises. What if we buy a newer more expensive home? What if we decide we can't live where we live? The what ifs.
For those of you retired, did you make a plan and stick with it? Did it happen accordingly or did you change it on the fly? Or did your retirement plans change ahead of time and you know it?
February 8th, 2021 at 07:53 pm 1612814038
February 8th, 2021 at 09:41 pm 1612820470
I loved much of my actual job, but not the politics to maneuver in the organization. I found I was less able to tolerate the foolishness.
I had a couple of great assignments that carried me through three years, but then I was assigned to a project that was plagued by bad managers in all areas, including mine. After a long period of struggle, I decided I was done.
It was a great relief. Much to my surprise, I was twice asked back for very interesting consulting opportunities, and in both cases, the hours I was willing to work and the rate I wanted to be paid were accepted, so over the first four years, I worked part time for about half.
Until the pandemic, I was very happy and filled my days easily. The past year has been lonely and a struggle, but I do not wish I were working.
February 9th, 2021 at 06:37 am 1612852643
I agree I don't think not traveling for the next 14 years is the answer. We won't just travel because we retire. But we tend to travel I think a lot for a couple with 2 growing kids. I read about fire blogs and most are DINKs. Very few families travel with kids a lot, nature of school and timing.
But retiring? I can dream about having all the time in the world to read and just travel.
February 9th, 2021 at 04:43 pm 1612889033
February 9th, 2021 at 05:46 pm 1612892789
February 14th, 2021 at 07:18 pm 1613330302