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Recent purchases and future purchases

September 11th, 2020 at 06:53 pm

LuckyRobin reminded me of some stuff I've bought, will buy, and planning on buying. I bought this summer a new knife and three new frying pans. I got the pans from william sonoma at 50% lowest discounted price from william sonoma clearance so I ended up spending $159 for three frying pans and lids. Very good deal when you consider how that's the price of usually 1 pan. This was a purchase I had been waiting for and mentioned to DH since the beginning of the year it was time to replace our calphalon pans from 2005 when we got married.

I painted the kids rooms and bought them

Text is new mini loft beds. and Link is
new mini loft beds.

I also got a
Text is new desk and Link is
new desk for myself instead of working on the kitchen island. This is a more permanent setup and DH is moving out to our office shed. I'm so excited and will try to post pictures when we get it done.

Finally I dropped our food processor and cracked the container. I think it's time for a new one. Another item from our wedding registry. I also would like to replace our crockpot which was a black friday $10 deal in 2000. I'm debating buying in instapot. But is it worth it? I heard it doesn't work quite like the slow cooker and i love love love my slow cooker and I don't pressure cook much. And I don't have space for both.

Just some cute stuff to look at.

5 Responses to “Recent purchases and future purchases”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I love my IP, but I'm not sure it really does slow cooking well.

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    I love the Instant pot. I have two. They are fantastic. I was a die hard crock potter until getting them. I think a crockpot is good if you are not working from home, but the Instant pot is best if you are at home or get home about 2 hours before you want to serve dinner. Pressure cooked roasts and chicken beat crockpot cooked hands down. Baked potatoes in the Instant pot are so good. You can also hard or soft boil eggs in it. Some models have a yogurt making setting also. The recipes for a crockpot are interchangeable with an Instant Pot, pretty much. Some of the Instant Pots have a slow cooker setting, too, so if you get the right model you can do both pressure cooking and slow cooking.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    There is a learning curve with the Instant pot. I have to look up "the rules" for everything I cook in it, which I find a little annoying. If you love your crockpot, stick with it. Only add an Instant pot if you find you want to do some pressure-cooking, which is its strength.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    I am a big fan of the crockpot. I own 5 of them. I have looked at the Instapot, and a friend was telling me how she and her husband spent almost two hours trying to cook chicken breasts in it since like CB said, it has a learning curve. I just try to plan ahead.

    Hope you can find whatever you wish on sale. Sorry about your food processor, but maybe with the holiday sales coming up, you can find a great deal on that as well.

  5. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    okay i will wait for black friday deal instapot, breville toaster oven, and food processor

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