Home > Net Worth Calculations

Net Worth Calculations

November 1st, 2018 at 05:27 pm

We are down around 7.5% from 9/1/18 which it peaked. We are down in mostly our retirement investment accounts. We aren't doing a darn thing. We are holding onto our cash, will invest in January Roth IRA and kids ESA the $12k and $4k. In december we will likely buy out DH's lease for $22k. Right now we are still hanging onto my car loan but that's something up for negotiation to just pay off. But it's at 2.24% and we're earning 1.9% on savings right now with potential for more.

I'm also considering buying the I bonds. Right now the fixed rate is 0.5% announced and that seems good. I'll talk to DH tonight.

1 Responses to “Net Worth Calculations”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Our net worth will probably go down because of the stock market drop this past month. We bought CD's a couple of months ago for 30 months.

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