Home > Financial Update

Financial Update

September 20th, 2017 at 05:20 pm

MM inspired me to check and it's been a great year 2017 financially. Our retirement savings has gone up $131k so far this year with our contributions being $11k IRA and $12k into 401k. The taxable accounts are up $97k for the year. So we are up around $228k in net worth conservatively.

I hope the year continues like gang busters. At this rate we are on track within 5 years to be FI at our crazy spending rate. We are definitely FI if we would sell the house and live in a cheaper COLA. This is how compound interest works out in people's favor. The longer and earlier you start the more you have.

2 Responses to “Financial Update”

  1. Amber Says:

    Awesome, thanks for sharing, you're motivating me to keep at it.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Well done!

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