A lot of friends recently keep complaining about their lives. Some really are in a difficult situation. But others I keep telling them to count their blessings.
Some blessings are financial. Some blessings are just life. I can't explain but I feel like often times we take for granted everything we have and don't appreciate even the smallest things.
A friend complained about not having enough money and being on a budget. I said at least you have enough to choose how to spend your money. Be happy that you can make choices.
Another friend is getting divorced. She began crying about how she's giving her children a terrible life and she's ruined their lives. That they have less than they used to. I told her to stop right there before we couldn't be friends. If she truly believes that having a single parent is a lesser life we couldn't talk anymore.
I love my mom and kiss the ground she walks on everyday for the life she gave me. I appreciate the fact I was raised with good values and morals. That she worked hard and no matter what she gave me the best life she could and I believe truly succeeded even without money. I feel my mom sacrificed so much and I understand and appreciate everything she did. And my friend needs to get over it. Yes divorce and single parenting is hard. But it's not a lesser life.
Another friend was complaining about how hard it is to pay off debt. I said appreciate that you are paying down debt. It would be worse to keep digging the hole deeper. Every dollar is another you don't owe. Yes it sucks and is slow but it's better than staying in debt. Look at the cup half full.
Another friend is panicking about buying a house. I said it'll happen. Everything happens for a reason. That have some faith.
Finally another friend we passed boxes onto, her husband quit his job and they aren't sure what they are doing except moving. I told her follow where they feel lead and it will unfold. That sometimes you are doing what you are meant to do. I really believe that.
All these people have a lot to be thankful for but to only focus on the negative is harder than realizing all the positives.
Sometimes I get stuck in that place but I slap my face and tell myself I have so much to be thankful for snap out of it. I have to always look at my awesome kids and husband, the health of our family, the lovely home, the nice weather, and that we are happy. I could easily write all the negative things happening like I haven't found a school for my DK2. I haven't settled on a contractor, when 3 haven't gotten back to me arrgh! I am spending an exorbitant amount of money right now. But instead I have to keep positive. I have a lot to be thankful for.
Are you a half empty or half full kind of person? Is it easier to complain or appreciate?
Count your blessings
August 3rd, 2017 at 06:17 pm
August 3rd, 2017 at 06:56 pm 1501782980
I keep trying at the start of each new month but it turns into a menu planner after a few days.
Have you noticed there is a different attitude, millennial's in particular seem to believe they are terribly self important, so much so that they feel free to stop, blocking the roadway, to search for something in their glove box or mid compartment while the rest of the traffic just waits. They are so rude in any que I'm left to wonder if they have heard of manners.
August 3rd, 2017 at 07:33 pm 1501785239
I don't know though; I draw a lot of strength from my spouses. If things were going badly there I think I'd struggle to count other blessings.
Interesting question, but I don't know if I have a black-or-white answer to it!
August 3rd, 2017 at 09:41 pm 1501792867
August 3rd, 2017 at 09:42 pm 1501792946
August 3rd, 2017 at 11:50 pm 1501800613
August 4th, 2017 at 12:56 am 1501804600
August 4th, 2017 at 02:45 am 1501811153
Dealing with my husband's health issues, I mostly agree with Laura. Nothing else is really all that important. My husband had his annual MRI this week and it was particularly stressful as I tried to mentally prepare for all the worst case scenarios. I am relieved it was only good news, and I can just cherish his health, what's left of it, until the next roadblock or the next MRI in 12 months. Even that, I've always felt lucky that at least it's not our kids. Which is some of that half full mindset. That reminds me, a neighbor of ours had a small child who needed heart surgery. They were VERY glass half full. I could not even imagine. They just replied what they went through was "nothing" compared to some of the other families they met at the hospital. I think sometimes we just need a little perspective.
August 4th, 2017 at 06:05 am 1501823139
So after that I never worried. I didn't even worry about breastfeeding I was so happy to be home and with my baby. I was happy we left perhaps a bit early and ended up back in the NICU but I wasn't unfortunate like those who sat for weeks next to an incubator. I was so thankful.
If you only look at the negative there is so much positive.
August 4th, 2017 at 12:48 pm 1501847301
It was on that stretch of the drive that it finally occurred to me that I had not for a second even thought about the people involved in the accident or the fact that I could have been involved if I had left just minutes earlier. I said a quick thank you to the man above for not being involved in the accident and for the people that were involved.
I'm trying to make it more of an ingrained process to recognize the positive, but for now, it's more of an afterthought or requires me to actually focus and think about finding the positive in order to see it.
August 4th, 2017 at 02:10 pm 1501852223
August 4th, 2017 at 04:18 pm 1501859894
Like CB when I get down or overtired, I am a half empty, but usually I am half full.
Good post!
August 7th, 2017 at 05:58 am 1502081907