So I know this is a financial blog but I just need to vent. This year leading a girl scout troop has been a nightmare. Today it took the cake.
So where do we start? Guess the easy one. A mom brought her dog into the school to pick up her daughter and the dog pissed on the floor. I was appalled. I had to send her an email saying don't bring your dog into the school. I thought this was pretty standard. But I guess I was wrong. Common sense/courtesy is dead. They didn't even clean it up.
Second kid was poorly behaved. This is the 2nd time and I had to email the mom that she needs to start staying and helping at the meetings to focus her daughter. I don't know how this mom will react. She didn't react to the first email I sent about behavior.
Third situation a mom gave me a restraining order against her husband. They had a domestic violence incident in public, he went to jail, they are being sued. The TRO is for her and the kids. Apparently if he shows up I should call the cops. I emailed her and told her I wasn't comfortable with her leaving her child in my care and expecting me to deal with 12 other girls and her daughter. She needs to be present to deal with the situation. I don't think she's going to like me or the situation I required.
This year I find it incredible difficult with many of the new girls being difficult. They are rude, I've been talked back to, and ignored because they are unable to sit, focus, and listen. They sort of have been acting like very young children.
I am not making up how awful some of these kids are. I was sent an email from the secretary of the school I attended and she said that there have been noise complaints from teachers working late about the noise and disruption from our troop. Hence why I sent out the email last meeting. And this meeting I really cracked down. And now I have to pull parents in more for 3rd graders!
Okay enough venting. This was just me blowing off steam. My husband said it's a volunteer position and this is how it is.
my girl scout troop
January 12th, 2019 at 07:08 am
January 12th, 2019 at 02:39 pm 1547303943
January 12th, 2019 at 03:09 pm 1547305790
As for the restraining order I think it is foolish to expect everyone to be on watch and play bodyguard when your time need to be on ALL the Girls.
We did these volunteer things befoire and i thinkit is much harder now then it use to be.
January 12th, 2019 at 03:50 pm 1547308229
January 12th, 2019 at 08:35 pm 1547325317
January 12th, 2019 at 10:41 pm 1547332919
January 13th, 2019 at 12:42 pm 1547383329
Frankly, I think it is the civic duty of everyone to uphold restraining orders. We all have to support the law to make it work. What if it were you who needed protection?
January 13th, 2019 at 08:19 pm 1547410747
Personally, I don't think you are out of line asking any of these parents to stay and help out. As for the restraining order, I can see where you would be uncomfortable with that. Is it just you leading this troop? Maybe the other mothers could take turns and help you out so you aren't shouldering the whole burden.
January 15th, 2019 at 10:46 pm 1547592408